HIKE Point Reyes


Best Day Hikes in Point Reyes National Seashore

“When John McKinney says, ‘Take a hike!’ you know it will be a good one.”
-Larry Mantle, host of AirTalk, KPCC

  • Easy-to-use guide to the best hikes on the Point Reyes peninsula and around Tomales Bay. Complete with colorful stories, trusted trail accounts, clear maps and directions.
  • Hikes feature waterfalls, wildflowers, breathtaking views, and more.

Point Reyes is a haven for birds, heaven for hikers. The coastal trails here are among the most magnificent in all of California. Meander Bear Valley, Tomales Point and Drakes Estero. Enjoy grand views from Mt. Wittenberg, Inverness Ridge and the Point Reyes Lighthouse. Observe tule elk, elephant seals, and a remarkable variety of birds. Choose an easy nature walk, moderate hike, or all-day adventure. Every trail tells a story. Hike on!

Companion guides include Hike San Francisco and Hike the East Bay.

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