HIKE Death Valley


Best Day Hikes in Death Valley National Park

Death Valley is a great place to hike. Really!  

  • Easy-to-use guide to the best hikes from Golden Canyon to Panamint Dunes to Zabriskie Point.
  • Hike the hottest, driest spot on the continent to stunning overlooks, hidden gulches, and mosaics of colorful rock.

Hike Coffin Peak, Dante’s View, and Hell’s Gate—places more fun than their names suggest! Explore swirling sand dunes, cross shimmering salt flats, and drop by Badwater, lowest point in the hemisphere. Chill-out atop Telescope Peak, ponder pupfish in Salt Creek, marvel at the sliding rocks in Racetrack Valley. Complete with The Trailmaster’s colorful stories, trusted trail accounts and easy-to-follow maps.

Every Trail Tells a Story. Hike on!

Enjoy more hikes in the California Desert with companion guides, HIKE Joshua Tree and Hike Mojave National Preserve.

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